layout: text-page
author: ReclaimFutures
title: Credits & Gratitude
className: credits
ref: credits
lang: en
{{ page.title }}
ReclaimFutures 2020 would not have been possible without community effort, financial donations and support for which we are extremely grateful.
### Donations & Finacial support
We thank the following donors for their kind support:
{% include common/donors.html %}
The sum of this amount is being split between conference participants. Donations are still open and all donations made via [this link](https://opencollective.com/reclaimfutures/contribute/rf2020-20496/checkout) will be passed on to RF2020 participants.
### Team
ReclaimFutures 2020 was organised and produced by **Ellis Jones**, **Maria Mahdessian**, **Cleo Charollais** and **Joelle Aeschlimann**.
### Music
All music heard in the live-stream during the weekend was used with permission from the artist / label. Go buy music by these artists:
### Website and Typography
The ReclaimFutures website was made by Ellis Jones and Cleo Charollais using [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) and is hosted at (100% renewable-powered) [Data Center Light](https://datacenterlight.ch/).
The typefaces used by ReclaimFutures are [Space Mono by Colophon Foundry](https://www.colophon-foundry.org/custom/spacemono/) and [GlyphWorld Mountain by Leah Maldonado](https://leahmaldonado.com/GlyphWorld).