# encoding: BINARY require 'rubygems' require 'rspec' require 'em-spec/rspec' require 'em-http' require 'em-websocket' require 'em-websocket-client' require 'integration/shared_examples' require 'integration/gte_03_examples' RSpec.configure do |c| c.mock_with :rspec end class FakeWebSocketClient < EM::Connection attr_reader :handshake_response, :packets def onopen(&blk); @onopen = blk; end def onclose(&blk); @onclose = blk; end def onerror(&blk); @onerror = blk; end def onmessage(&blk); @onmessage = blk; end def initialize @state = :new @packets = [] end def receive_data(data) # puts "RECEIVE DATA #{data}" if @state == :new @handshake_response = data @onopen.call if defined? @onopen @state = :open else @onmessage.call(data) if defined? @onmessage @packets << data end end def send(application_data) send_frame(:text, application_data) end def send_frame(type, application_data) send_data construct_frame(type, application_data) end def unbind @onclose.call if defined? @onclose end private def construct_frame(type, data) "\x00#{data}\xff" end end class Draft03FakeWebSocketClient < FakeWebSocketClient private def construct_frame(type, data) frame = "" frame << EM::WebSocket::Framing03::FRAME_TYPES[type] frame << encoded_length(data.size) frame << data end def encoded_length(length) if length <= 125 [length].pack('C') # since rsv4 is 0 elsif length < 65536 # write 2 byte length "\126#{[length].pack('n')}" else # write 8 byte length "\127#{[length >> 32, length & 0xFFFFFFFF].pack("NN")}" end end end class Draft05FakeWebSocketClient < Draft03FakeWebSocketClient private def construct_frame(type, data) frame = "" frame << "\x00\x00\x00\x00" # Mask with nothing for simplicity frame << (EM::WebSocket::Framing05::FRAME_TYPES[type] | 0b10000000) frame << encoded_length(data.size) frame << data end end class Draft07FakeWebSocketClient < Draft05FakeWebSocketClient private def construct_frame(type, data) frame = "" frame << (EM::WebSocket::Framing07::FRAME_TYPES[type] | 0b10000000) # Should probably mask the data, but I get away without bothering since # the server doesn't enforce that incoming frames are masked frame << encoded_length(data.size) frame << data end end # Wrapper around em-websocket-client class Draft75WebSocketClient def onopen(&blk); @onopen = blk; end def onclose(&blk); @onclose = blk; end def onerror(&blk); @onerror = blk; end def onmessage(&blk); @onmessage = blk; end def initialize @ws = EventMachine::WebSocketClient.connect('ws://', :version => 75, :origin => 'http://example.com') @ws.errback { |err| @onerror.call if defined? @onerror } @ws.callback { @onopen.call if defined? @onopen } @ws.stream { |msg| @onmessage.call(msg) if defined? @onmessage } @ws.disconnect { @onclose.call if defined? @onclose } end def send(message) @ws.send_msg(message) end def close_connection @ws.close_connection end end def start_server(opts = {}) EM::WebSocket.run({:host => "", :port => 12345}.merge(opts)) { |ws| yield ws if block_given? } end def format_request(r) data = "#{r[:method]} #{r[:path]} HTTP/1.1\r\n" header_lines = r[:headers].map { |k,v| "#{k}: #{v}" } data << [header_lines, '', r[:body]].join("\r\n") data end def format_response(r) data = r[:protocol] || "HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake\r\n" header_lines = r[:headers].map { |k,v| "#{k}: #{v}" } data << [header_lines, '', r[:body]].join("\r\n") data end RSpec::Matchers.define :succeed_with_upgrade do |response| match do |actual| success = nil actual.callback { |upgrade_response, handler_klass| success = (upgrade_response.lines.sort == format_response(response).lines.sort) } success end end RSpec::Matchers.define :fail_with_error do |error_klass, error_message| match do |actual| success = nil actual.errback { |e| success = (e.class == error_klass) success &= (e.message == error_message) if error_message } success end end